I cannot express how much I love my boys, their brotherhood and their love for each other! I love, love, love the way God designed them. I can just sit and watch them for hours and be entertained, not only by their actions, but their thinking!
I love in the mornings how they come straight to me with a huge smile ready to snuggle!
I love how they then immediately go and play superheroes and want to conquer the world!
I love how the minute they see their daddy, they hop on his back and are ready for a throwdown!
I love how strong and tough they are that they give all their might to wrestling their daddy and it is their most favorite thing in the world to do!
I love how they are sensitive to their sisters!
I love how they protect me and kill roaches and catch geckos that make me quiver!
I love their adventurous love for outdoors!
I love it that they would risk their limbs for no good reason except that they are BOYS!
I love that they can build good forts!
I love that when the get their haircut, it is a simple ordeal!
I like that they would be happy wearing the same outfit for 7 days straight, but I don't let them!
I adore that they are best friends with anyone who will kick the soccer ball with them!
I love that they don't care about getting dirty!
I love how they are able to ignore anything that doesn't interest them!
I love how they think their pocket knife is one of the best tools ever!
I love their interest in camp fires!
I love how they bring me their old toys and think that they are a special gift that I would love!
I love how they got a new color changing toy car and think it is so cool that it changes to camo!
I love that they bring me flowers!
I love that they daily sit in my lap and tell me I am beautiful!
I love their ability to LAUGH about nothing.
I love their excitement when they eat chocolate and drink coke!
I love their concern for the precious poor children on the street that they see constantly.
I love their love for God and for His world!
I love hearing them give words of encouragement and Scripture and that they pray with such deep faith.
I love my Father God for giving these amazing boys to us to raise, they are HIS and I take this responsibility seriously, that I have a part in two little boys lives and that I have the opportunity to show them the grace of God and Christ's love! They are gifts that I treasure and commit them to the Lord everyday knowing that it is His strength and His grace that I need in order to train them into warriors. I thank the Lord for how HE uses them to teach me and I love seeing how they are used for the KINGDOM!!!

1 comment:
Oh Jonathan and Lauren, that made me cry!!! I love those little boys too...soooooooooo, soooooooooo much! please give them a HUGE squeeze from Aunt Brookie and Uncle Bobby!!! We wish we could go play in the dirt w/ them outside or kick the soccer ball around w/ them. That day will be here soon though. I love you...All of you!!!!!!!
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