"the common small house geckos are regarded as ominous creatures associated with ill fortune. They are also considered highly impure, and thought to be carriers of leprosy and other diseases... in some cases there is evidence of underlying beliefs that link the animals with fertility and well-being."
I was really thinking about them though and googled "geckos" and found that they have a purpose, they feed on mosquitos and that is purely a good thing. They were created for a purpose and they carry out their purpose well. It eventually led me to think about my purpose on earth, and how I was created to WORSHIP and glorify the One, True GOD! What a BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING purpose that we have! "Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." Ecclesiastes 12:13 Just as the created gecko fulfills its purpose, I long to live this portion of life that God has given me to fulfill the purpose in which he created me for!

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