Our sweet Lilly has made several friends here and she recently got invited to a birthday party for a 13 year old girl. Ella being a cute little doll, got invited as well, so I insisted we "girls" go (me included :)) We showed up at the girl's home, greeted by four girls who invited us in and we sat down and were immediately served a glass of soda and a glass of juice and a glass of water! They had typical indian snacks to eat and they sat and stared at us for almost 30 min, while I tried to make conversation and help Lilly not feel so awkward, Ella danced around and took on most of the attention.
The girl's parents finally came out from the back of the house and knowing little English, we mostly just smiled at each other. They cut and served a cake, and I thought it was about time to leave, but then they ordered pizza for us.... so, we stayed and ate pizza and after being there for about 2 1/2 hours, I thought we should go, but as we were getting ready to leave, Jonathan and the boys came to their door to drop off something. Immediately, the girls' parents invited them in and ordered more pizzas, so we waited 45 min for the pizza delivery, and Jonathan did his best to speak Hindi and talk politics with the father.
Once the pizzas arrived and they had served the children numerous rounds of coke and juice, they insisted on ordering "chocolate lava cake" from Dominos, and so we waited a short while for those to be delivered, the girl's parents began making some indian food for us and when Jonathan said he liked it, they made him several more indian treats!!!!!! IT was a PARTY to remember, we were served up and treated with much respect, and it was definitely a fun learning experience.
Since then, God has given the opportunity to share with these girls about Christ, and as we learn more about their roots, we pray for the Holy Spirit to give wisdom in sharing stories and truth with these girls who are hearing the Gospel for the first time. God is so good!!!!