He celebrated his birthday with a pizza party,
cake and cookies,

his friends,
playing nerf guns,

and games!

On his actual birthday, he went to a week long camp in the mountains! He came back with a skateboard and lots of cool stories!

It has been a complete blessing to watch this boy grow in his love for Jesus, his obedience to the Word and his compassion for others. We pray that God would continue to draw Jonny daily to Himself, overwhelming him with grace to love his family, friends and that the Father would grow a love in him for the nations. We praise God for Jonny's life and pray that his life would be used to glorify God! We are thankful for how God made him and uses him in our lives everyday!!!!
Happy 5th Birthday to Braxton!!! Braxton was born on July 7th, 2006, 2 weeks early, weighing in at 8 pds 8 oz!!! He came into this world with the same cute chubby cheeks he has today!

It has been a wonderful 5 years of laughing( he is hilarious!!), singing (he is the musician of the family), dancing (he has rhythym!) and playing imaginary superheroes (he totally could be a character from Star Wars under all that skin!) I am convinced he will be a musician or filmmaker when he grows up!

More than anything, we pray that God would use his life for HIS glory and Braxton would love the Lord with all of His heart, soul, mind and strength and he would hunger and thirst for righteousness and be filled overflowing!!! We pray that Brax's strong willed personality and amazing imagination would be used to influence others towards Christ and one day disciple others to follow God. We praise God that "B-ROCK" loves Jesus and has a desire to tell others about Him!
We celebrated with pancakes for breakfast,

homemade pizza for dinner

and special starwars cookies/cake per his request!

We played games with his new nerf gun and bay blades!