We REJOICE today in all that the Lord has done! We officially got voted on today to serve overseas and we got approved! Throughout this day, I have prayed to the Faithful ONE who hears our prayers and knows our hearts, that He would clearly make it so evident to me that we are following His will to serve in the specific city we believe He has planned out for us. I asked for reassurance in that when we recieve the phone call this evening, that I would personally get to speak with our Representative and he would in our conversation say the word "UNANIMOUS." And if he did, it would be more of the confirmation and reassurance that we are following God's direction and not our own. Well...........
I am in AWE of HIS sweetness to me, still knowing that we would continue on believing HIM and trusting HIM, but HE gave me a nugget of HIS realness in that HE answered me, CLEARLY!!!
It was just about the time we were to get a phone call concerning the voting and realizing that Jonathan and I had both left our phones inside, I ran in to get them and heard the phone ring, just a minute after getting to it. I answered and it was our Representative, He told me he had great news, that we had been approved and it was "UNANIMOUS!!!!!!" Yes, he said it clearly and my heart leaped for joy, knowing that my God who saved me, heard me today and delighted in me! He did not have to but He chose to, I did not deserve it, but He loved me and showed me His steadfastness, He proved Himself real, He showed Himself gracious, He bent down His ear and heard me ask, He reassured my heart, and He increased my faith. He alone is FAITHFUL, but it is my faith that wavers, HE alone has LOVE that is STEADFAST, but my love is weak. He made my day, He gave me comfort, He loved me even though I have been unlovable today and He sees me as righteous, because He sees Christ ALONE and He is faithful to teach me His ways which are not my ways, He allowed me to answer the phone and hear the word I had asked to hear, "UNANIMOUS!"
This day....evening.....has allowed me to reflect on HIS character, learn more about HIM and give HIM the glory for HIS name sake. I am reminded that when we ask according to His will, then we will receive! Sometimes what is forgotten is the asking! Matt 7:11, says "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ASK Him!" This encourages us to ask, pray, communicate with the God of nations!!!! PRiceless; UNANIMOUSLY love and ask Him to reveal HIMSELF to you! That is my prayer!